Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors supervises and controls the management and operations of the company.

The duty of the Board is to promote the interests of all shareholders and the Group by seeing to the administration and proper organisation of operations. The Board of Directors comprises the Chairman and the Vice Chairman and 3–8 members elected by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders for one year at a time.

Composition of the Board

Jyri Luomakoski

Jyri Luomakoski

Jyri Luomakoski CV
Sami Laine profile, portrait

Sami Laine

Sami Laine CV
Casimir Lindholm

Casimir Lindholm
Vice chairperson

Casimir Lindholm CV
Kerttu Tuomas

Kerttu Tuomas

Kerttu Tuomas CV
Anders Dahlblom YIT

Anders Dahlblom

Anders Dahlblom CV
Leena Vainiomäki YIT

Leena Vainiomäki

Leena Vainiomäki CV
Updated 23.03.2021